Using a functional programming style on Perl 5

Christian Jaeger


Note: a few changes have been applied since the presentation. You can see them in the commit history at

Why functional programming in Perl?

I ...


  1. Functional Programming?
  2. Can Perl do it?
  3. Combinators
  4. Linked lists, lazy evaluation
  5. Haskell style lazy sequences

Functional programming?

A functional program

Functional programming: why?

Perl can do it, Right?

Perl can do it, Right?

Perl can do it better

Perl can do it better II

Perl can do it better III

Perl can do it better III

Perl can do it better III

Perl can do it already?, cont

Perl can do it already?, cont

Perl can do it already?, cont

Perl can do it already?, cont

Perl can do it with some help

func outer ($n) {
    my $inner; $inner= func ($n, $tot) { # leaks memory!
        $n > 0 ? &$inner($n-1, $tot*$n) : $tot
    &$inner($n, 1);

for (1..1e6) { outer 10 };

Perl can do it with some help

use Scalar::Util 'weaken';

sub Weakened ($) {
    my ($ref)= @_;
    weaken $_[0];

func outer ($n) {
    my $inner; $inner= func ($n, $tot) {
        $n > 0 ? &$inner($n-1, $tot*$n) : $tot
    Weakened($inner)->($n, 1);

for (1..1e6) { outer 10 };

... or with a trick

Fixpoint combinator

# in FP::fix
func fix ($f) {
    sub {
	tail &$f (fix($f), @_)

func outer ($n) {
    my $inner= fix func ($inner, $n, $tot) {
        $n > 0 ? &$inner($n-1, $tot*$n) : $tot
    &$inner($n, 1);


Linked lists and lazy evaluation

Functional list generation:

repl> $l= [ 2, undef ]
$VAR1 = [ 2, undef ];
repl> $m= [ 1, $l ]
$VAR1 = [ 1, [ 2, undef ] ];
repl> $l
$VAR1 = [ 2, undef ];

repl> (cons 1, cons 2, null) -> array
$VAR1 = [ 1, 2 ];


Prelude> 1 : 2 : []

Lazy evaluation

evaluating expressions only when necessary

repl> $x = lazy { warn "evaluating!"; 2*3 }
$VAR1 = bless( ... , 'FP::Lazy::Promise' );
repl> force $x
evaluating! at (eval 104) line 1.
$VAR1 = 6;
repl> force $x
$VAR1 = 6;

repl> $x = lazy { 1 / 0 }
$VAR1 = bless( ... , 'FP::Lazy::Promise' );
repl> force $x
Illegal division by zero at (eval 112) line 1.

Haskell style

*Main> let ones = 1 : ones
*Main> take 5 ones

*Main> let alternating = True:False:alternating
*Main> take 5 alternating

Using functional-perl:

repl> func ones () { my $ones; $ones= lazy { cons 1, $ones };
                              Weakened $ones }
repl> ones->take(5)->array
$VAR1 = [ 1,1,1,1,1 ];

Haskell style: lazy sequences

Infinite stream calculated on demand:

Prelude> let fibs = 1:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
Prelude> take 10 fibs

Using functional-perl:

func fibs () {
    my $fibs; $fibs=
      cons 1, cons 1, lazy { stream_zip_with *add, $fibs, rest $fibs };
main> fibs->stream_take(10)->array
$VAR1 = [ 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 ];

Thanks for listening!


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