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Introduction to using the functional-perl modules

Unlike the other documentation materials (as listed in README), this tries to give a nice introduction to using the modules and programs that this project offers. (The files in the intro/ directory are more on the fundamental side, also they are a bit older and possibly could use some updating (todo).)

If you've got questions, please tell, either on the mailing list, or join the IRC channel. If you find any errors or would like to clarify some wording or add to this or other documents: if you're reading this document via the website, there is an edit link at the top right corner that lets you edit it on Github.


  • 1. Starting up: the REPL
  • 2. Lists the functional way
  • 3. More REPL features
  • 4. More about cons
  • 5. Lazy evaluation
  • 6. Writing a list-generating function
  • 7. Streams
  • 8. More streams
  • 9. Fresh lexicals and closures
  • 10. The REPL revisited
  • 11. Local functions and recursion
  • 12. More on functions
  • 12.1. Higher-order functions
  • 12.2. Combinators
  • 13. Testing
  • 14. Objects
  • 1. Starting up: the REPL

    Functional programming languages usually come with a read-eval-print loop (REPL). A REPL reads a statement or expression, evaluates it and prints its result. The better ones come with debugging features, like being able to inspect the context (stack) from where they were called. Functional Perl is no exception.

    (NOTE: the author didn't know about the reply repl and maybe others when finishing the work on this; he originally started FP::Repl in 2004. It might be worth merging the efforts.)

    There are three ways to run the functional-perl REPL:

    You need to install Term::ReadLine::Gnu and PadWalker (and Capture::Tiny to see code definition location information and Sub::Util to see function names when displaying code refs) to use the repl. Once you've done that, from the shell run:

    $ cd functional-perl
    $ bin/fperl

    Or if you installed the project, just

    $ fperl

    This will show a prompt:


    The string left of the ">" indicates the current namespace, "fperl" in this case. Let's try:

    fperl> 1+2
    $VAR1 = 3;

    You can refer to the given $VAR1 etc. variables in subsequent entries:

    fperl> $VAR1*2
    $VAR1 = 6;
    fperl> $VAR1*2
    $VAR1 = 12;
    fperl> $VAR1*2, $VAR1+1
    $VAR1 = 24;
    $VAR2 = 13;

    If you happen to produce an error at run time of the code that you enter, you will be in a sub-repl, indicated by the level number 1 here:

    fperl> foo()
    Exception: 'Undefined subroutine &fperl::foo called at (eval 143) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    In that case, you can return to the parent repl by pressing ctl-d. It will then show (XX: currently it also shows the exception again; work is under way to improve this):


    (In case you really don't like this nesting feature, you can omit the -t flag to the perlrepl script (adapt the fperl wrapper script).)

    2. Lists the functional way

    One of the most basic features of functional programming are singly linked lists. Those can be extended and shrunk in a purely functional way, i.e. without changing existing list references. Lists can be created using the list function from FP::List, which is preloaded in fperl:

    fperl> list()
    $VAR1 = bless( [], 'FP::List::Null' );

    The given answer is the object that represents the empty list. It is unique across the system, i.e. a singleton:

    fperl> use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);  refaddr(list()) == refaddr(list())
    $VAR1 = 1;

    The empty list can also be gotten from the null function:

    fperl> null
    $VAR1 = bless( [], 'FP::List::Null' );

    You can prepend new items to an existing list using the cons function, which pairs up its two arguments:

    fperl> cons 3, null
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     bless( [], 'FP::List::Null' )
                   ], 'FP::List::Pair' );

    Now these Data::Dumper style printouts don't look very nice, you'll agree. The repl can do better, just tell it so with a repl meta command:

    fperl> :s
    fperl> cons 3, null
    $VAR1 = list(3);

    To see a list of all repl commands enter :?. You can also use the comma , instead of the colon if you prefer. The repl remembers these settings across repl runs (they are stored in ~/.fp-repl_settings).

    You may have noticed that there's also :S, which will usually give nicer to read output, but requires Perl::Tidy to be installed.

    So, yes, cons 3, null is equivalent to cons 3, list() which is equivalent to list(3), and the :s representation shows perl code that would construct the given result using existing constructor functions. (How the repl knows how to print data structures is via the show function in the FP::Show module.)

    As you've already seen above, linked lists are objects, and they come with a broad set of useful methods, for example:

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->map(sub { $_[0] * $_[0] })
    $VAR1 = list(4, 9, 16);
    fperl> list(2,3,4)->filter(sub { $_[0] % 2 })
    $VAR1 = list(3);

    You may be asking why filter is not called grep; the answer is that "filter" is the commonly used name for this in functional programming languages.

    Here's a function/method that does not have a pendant as a Perl builtin, but is common to functional programming:

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->fold(sub { $_[0] + $_[1] }, 0)
    $VAR1 = 9;

    Fold takes a subroutine and an initial value, then for each value in the sequence calls the subroutine, passing it the value from the list and the initial value, then uses the result of the subroutine instead of the initial value for the next iteration. I.e. our examples adds up all the values in the list.

    Note how we create an anonymous subroutine to simply use the + operator. We can't pass + directly, Perl does not have a way to pass an operator as a subroutine (CODE ref) directly. To make this easier (and consistent in the ability to pass operations as so-called first-class values), Perl's operators are wrapped as subroutines in FP::Ops, which is imported by bin/fperl already. The subroutine wrapping + is called add.

    fperl> add(1,2)
    $VAR1 = 3;

    Thus we can write the following, equivalent to what we had above:

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->fold(\&add, 0)
    $VAR1 = 9;

    What if you would use cons instead of +?

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->fold(sub { cons $_[0], $_[1] }, null)
    $VAR1 = list(4, 3, 2);

    The anonymous subroutine wrapper here is truly unnecessary, of course, the following is getting rid of it:

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->fold(\&cons, null)
    $VAR1 = list(4, 3, 2);

    As you can see, this prepended the value 2 to the empty list, then prepended 3 to that, then prepended 4 to that. The result comes in reverse order, i.e. this is an implementation of the list reversing function (which is available as the method reverse already).

    For the case when you need to process a list so that the original ordering is preserved there's also fold_right, which reverses the order of the call chain (it begins at the right of the list, i.e. calling cons(4, null) first):

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->fold_right(\&cons, null)
    $VAR1 = list(2, 3, 4);

    i.e. this simply copies the list, which is actually pointless: lists are a purely functional data structure, i.e. they do not offer a way to mutate contents destructively, so there's no reason to ever make an identical copy of them.

    Of course there are other operations where the ordering is relevant, for example division (/ is wrapped as div by FP::Ops):

    fperl> list(10,20)->fold(\&div, 1)
    $VAR1 = '2';
    fperl> list(10,20)->fold_right(\&div, 1)
    $VAR1 = '0.5';

    (For another easy to try example, experiment with the array function from FP::Array, which is a wrapper for [@_]. It too is already imported by fperl.)

    You can get the first element of a list using the first method, and the rest of the list using the rest method. There's also a combined first_and_rest method which is basically the inverse of the cons function:

    fperl> list(2,3,4)->first
    $VAR1 = 2;
    fperl> list(2,3,4)->rest
    $VAR1 = list(3, 4);
    fperl> list(2,3,4)->first_and_rest
    $VAR1 = 2;
    $VAR2 = list(3, 4);

    Let's see why linked lists are actually interesting. Here we are assigning values to package variables (globals), by default the repl does not 'use strict "vars"' thus we don't need to prefix them with "our":

    fperl> $a = list 3,4,5
    $VAR1 = list(3, 4, 5);
    fperl> $b = $a->rest
    $VAR1 = list(4, 5);
    fperl> $c = cons 2, $b
    $VAR1 = list(2, 4, 5);
    fperl> $b
    $VAR1 = list(4, 5);
    fperl> $a
    $VAR1 = list(3, 4, 5);

    As you can see, $a and $b still contain the elements they were originally assigned. Compare this with using arrays:

    fperl> $a = [3,4,5]
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];

    Now to drop the first element, you could use shift, but:

    fperl> $b = $a
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];
    fperl> shift @$b
    $VAR1 = 3;
    fperl> $a
    $VAR1 = [4, 5];

    shift is not a (pure) function, but what would be called a procedure: a pure function does not "harm" its arguments, instead the only effect it has on the world visible to your program is returning a value. shift violates this principle (thus the naming "procedure" which indicates that it does achieve things by proceeding through a recipe of issuing side effects) and hence $a, which points to the same in-memory data structure, is also modified. You'd have to first create a full copy of the array so that when you modify it with shift the original stays unmodified:

    fperl> $a = [3,4,5]
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];
    fperl> $b = [@$a]
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];
    fperl> shift @$b
    $VAR1 = 3;
    fperl> $a
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];

    This works, and it can be hidden in pure functions, in fact functional-perl provides them already (part of FP::Array and imported by fperl):

    fperl> $a = [3,4,5]
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];
    fperl> $b = array_rest $a
    $VAR1 = [4, 5];
    fperl> $a
    $VAR1 = [3, 4, 5];

    array_rest internally does the copy and shift thing. The problem with this is that it doesn't scale, the longer your array, the longer it takes to copy. That's why linked lists are interesting when you want to work with pure functions. (There are also other data structures that implement lists and are functional (aka "persistent") and offer other features like accessing or removing the last element efficiently or accessing random elements in O(log n) or even O(1) instead of O(n) time, but they haven't been implemented in functional-perl yet.)

    3. More REPL features

    If one of the following modules, which modify the Perl syntax, is loaded, then the repl automatically makes them available to the entered code. Also, bin/fperl automatically tries to load them if present on the system: Function::Parameters, Method::Signatures, Sub::Call::Tail. The repl used by the fperl script also enables use experimental "signatures" if running on a recent enough Perl. If you're running on a Perl version < 5.020, install Function::Parameters and replace sub with fun below (first exit fperl by typing ctl-d, or :q -- note that currently :q prevents it from saving the history (todo)). Now you can type the nicer:

    fperl> list(3,4,5)->map(fun($x){ $x*$x })
    $VAR1 = list(9, 16, 25);

    Another module which might make life better in the repl is Eval::WithLexicals (a former version of the code used Lexical::Persistence). If you install it and then enter

    fperl> :m

    then it will carry over lexical variables from one entry to the next:

    fperl> my $x = 10
    $VAR1 = 10;
    fperl> $x
    $VAR1 = 10;

    This also enables use strict "vars" as well as Eval::WithLexicals's default prelude (use strictures) if strictures is installed. If you don't want the former, enter :M instead (TODO: check that this is working).

    4. More about cons

    cons is a function that tries to call the cons method on its second argument, and failing that, builds an FP::List::Pair. This means that these expressions are equivalent:

    fperl> cons 2, cons 3, null
    $VAR1 = list(2, 3);
    fperl> null->cons(3)->cons(2)
    $VAR1 = list(2, 3);

    but the cons function can also be used to build pairs holding non-lists as their rest value: those are called "improper lists".

    (Todo: "function" is ambiguous: do I mean "purely functional callable", or do I mean "non-method subroutine"? Those are orthogonal. Find better terminology.)

    fperl> cons 2, 3
    $VAR1 = improper_list(2, 3);
    fperl> cons 1, cons 2, 3
    $VAR1 = improper_list(1, 2, 3);

    The improper_list function creates such a linked list that contains its last argument directly as the rest value in the last cell. If you're still unsure what this means, try turning to :d mode to see the list's cells:

    fperl> :d improper_list(1, 2, 3)
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     bless( [
                            ], 'FP::List::Pair' )
                   ], 'FP::List::Pair' );


    fperl> :d list(1, 2, 3)
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     bless( [
                              bless( [
                                       bless( [], 'FP::List::Null' )
                                     ], 'FP::List::Pair' )
                            ], 'FP::List::Pair' )
                   ], 'FP::List::Pair' );

    FP::List is our only sequence data structure that allows this. We'll see later (streams) why it is a feature and not a bug.

    The functional-perl project provides other sequence data structures, too. Here's one (turning :s back on):

    fperl> :s cons 1, cons 2, strictnull
    $VAR1 = strictlist(1, 2);
    fperl> is_strictlist $VAR1
    $VAR1 = 1;

    All functional-perl data structures come with a predicate function, is_strictlist in this case, that returns true iff the argument is what the predicate name stands for. This is easier and (in this case) more efficient than use Safe::Isa; $VAR1->$_isa("FP::StrictList").

    Also, for some types, the predicate may do more than just type checking: is_list from FP::List not only checks the type, but also if the list is a proper list (for example returning false for the cons 2, 3 case from above). (XXX: rename to is_proper_list?) Also, the predicates are forcing evaluation of their argument if it's a promise (we'll come to lazy evaluation soon.) That's why functional-perl data structures come with predicate functions.

    The advantages of the strictlists are that is_strictlist only needs to check the first cell to know that it's a proper list. Also, each cell carries the length of the list, thus length is O(1) as well, unlike in the FP::List case where determining the length involves walking the whole list. The disadvantage of strictlists is that they can't be evaluated lazily, a topic we'll look into in the next section.

    5. Lazy evaluation

    Perl, like most programming languages, is evaluating exressions and statements eagerly: an expression used to set a variable is evaluated before assigning its result to a variable and the variable assignment happens before the code continues after its trailing semicolon, and expressions in argument position of a subroutine or method call are evaluated before the statements in the subroutine are evaluated. This means for example that we get this behaviour:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { 1 / $x }
    fperl> sub or_square ($x,$y) { $x || $y * $y }
    fperl> or_square 2, inverse 0
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 137) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    Of course, inverse fails. But note that the result of inverse is not even used in this case. If Perl would evaluate the inverse 0 expression lazily, there would be no failure. This can be changed by using lazy from FP::TransparentLazy (fperl loads it already):

    fperl> or_square 2, lazy { inverse 0 }
    $VAR1 = 2;

    Only when $y is actually used, we get the exception:

    fperl> or_square 0, lazy { inverse 0 }
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 139) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    Alternatively we could redefine inverse to evaluate its body lazily:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    Subroutine inverse redefined at (eval 143) line 1.
    fperl> or_square 2, inverse 0
    $VAR1 = 2;
    fperl> or_square 0, inverse 0
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 137) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    This is usually better since the knowledge about the need for lazy evaluation is kept locally, near the expression in question, and the lazy keyword has to be used only once instead of at every call site.

    Lazy terms are represented by a data structure called a promise. The :s pretty-printing in the repl shows them like this:

    fperl> inverse 2
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> $VAR1 + 1
    $VAR1 = '1.5';

    The Data::Dumper mode shows:

    fperl> :d inverse 2
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     sub { "DUMMY" },
                   ], 'FP::TransparentLazy::Promise' );

    fperl imports lazy from FP::TransparentLazy. There's also FP::Lazy, which works the same way except it does not use overload to force terms transparently:

    fperl> use FP::Lazy; lazy { 1 / 0 }
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     sub { "DUMMY" },
                   ], 'FP::Lazy::Promise' );
    fperl> $VAR1 + 1
    $VAR1 = 159389673;

    The 159389673 value comes from adding 1 to the pointer address. Perl can be pretty dangerous (this is a more general problem, thus it's not being addressed here e.g. by overloading to an exception). FP::Lazy::Promise objects need to be forced explicitely:

    fperl> lazy { 1 / 2 }->force + 1
    $VAR1 = '1.5';
    fperl> lazy { 1 / 0 }->force + 1
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 146) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    There's a force function, too, which will not die when its argument is not a promise:

    fperl> force 3
    $VAR1 = 3;
    fperl> force lazy { 3 }
    $VAR1 = 3;

    The reason that functional-perl offers FP::Lazy (and actually prefers to use it throughout its other data structures) is that the author fears that transparent laziness might make things more difficult to understand or debug (also, forcing values explicitely once and store the result would be faster than implicitely forcing them by way of overload multiple times, thus being aware of the promises could result in a speed benefit). Perhaps those worries are unfounded and the future lies in just using transparent promises everywhere.

    To end this section, let's see what happens to promises when they are evaluated:

    fperl> our $v = do { my $x = 4; lazy { warn "evaluating"; 1 / $x } }
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                     sub { "DUMMY" },
                   ], 'FP::Lazy::Promise' );
    fperl> force $v
    evaluating at (eval 152) line 1.
    $VAR1 = '0.25';
    fperl> $v
    $VAR1 = bless( [
                   ], 'FP::Lazy::Promise' );

    As you can see, before forcing the promise, it contains a subroutine (closure) as the first field; after evaluation, the subroutine is gone, and instead the result is stored in its second field. This is to enforce that the lazy term is at most evaluated once. As you can see, there's no "evaluating" warning when forcing it again:

    fperl> force $v
    $VAR1 = '0.25';

    Let's switch back to the :s view mode:

    fperl> :s $v
    $VAR1 = '0.25';

    It shows evaluated promises as their value directly. This is useful when dealing with bigger, lazily evaluated data structures.

    fperl> our $l = list(3,2,1,0,-1)->map(\&inverse)
    $VAR1 = list(lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" });

    There's a function F which returns a deep copy of its argument with all the promises forced:

    fperl> F $l
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 137) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    Yes, it will fail here; but we can still see how far it went, since the promises in the original data structure are the same that are being forced:

    fperl> $l
    $VAR1 = list('0.333333333333333', '0.5', '1', lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" });

    For an example of using F that finishes, let's skip (drop) past the element of the list that gives the error:

    fperl> $l->drop(4)
    $VAR1 = list(lazy { "DUMMY" });
    fperl> F $VAR1
    $VAR1 = list('-1');

    6. Writing a list-generating function

    So far we have just created lists explicitely (using the list or strictlist functions or nested calls to cons) and used list functions/methods on them (like map, filter, fold). Sometimes there's no pre-made function or method available for a task and you'll have to write it yourself. Let's go through that process by creating the list from the above section ('Lazy evaluation') programmatically. (This is a somewhat bad example as this would be better achieved by combining a series building function and map, but let's not worry about doing things the high-level way too much while we don't know yet how to build the lower levels.)

    Let's also see how we can do this without doing a single mutation (all variables are only ever assigned a single time, when they are introduced, and no mutable data structure is used).

    So we want to build a list that contains the inverse of the integer values from 3 to -1 in sequence.

    So, the first cell is going to hold inverse(3) as its value, and the remainder of the list (i.e. holding inverse(2) etc.) as its rest. Let's see how we can state this recursively:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { cons inverse($i), ourlist($i-1) }

    Well, we need a termination condition.

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { $i >= -1 ? cons inverse($i), ourlist($i-1) : null }
    fperl> our $l = ourlist 3
    $VAR1 = list(lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" });
    fperl> F $l->drop(4)
    $VAR1 = list('-1');
    fperl> F $l
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 136) line 1.
    fperl 1> (ctl-d)
    fperl> $l
    $VAR1 = list('0.333333333333333', '0.5', '1', lazy { "DUMMY" }, '-1');

    There we are.

    7. Streams

    In the two sections above we have seen a list holding unevaluated terms (promises). So, each list pair (cons cell) held a lazy (unevaluated) term in its value slot, and an eagerly evaluated term in its rest slot (the rest of the list). (The list data structure, i.e. the list cells excluding the actual values held in the list, is also called the "spine".)

    What if we made the rest slot contain a lazily evaluated term as well? Well, let's simply try:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { $i >= -1 ? cons inverse($i), lazy{ ourlist($i-1) } : null }
    fperl> our $l = ourlist 3
    $VAR1 = improper_list(lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" });

    The 'improper_list' here is really just a single cons cell (pair) holding lazy terms both in its value and rest slots, as we were asking for.

    Will it evaluate to the correct values?

    fperl> $l->first->force
    $VAR1 = '0.333333333333333';
    fperl> $l->rest->force
    $VAR1 = improper_list(lazy { "DUMMY" }, lazy { "DUMMY" });

    The rest element, when forced, is again a cell holding lazy terms, of course. This time it's the cell holding:

    fperl> $VAR1->first->force
    $VAR1 = '0.5';

    Let's apply F to the whole thing: as mentioned above, it will force all promises on its way, regardless whether they are in value or rest slots:

    fperl> F $l
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 136) line 1.
    fperl 1> 
    fperl> F $l->drop(4)
    $VAR1 = list('-1');
    fperl> $l
    $VAR1 = list('0.333333333333333', '0.5', '1', lazy { "DUMMY" }, '-1');

    We're getting the same thing as before--unsurprisingly, since all we changed was make the rest slot lazy, once we apply force (use the force, Luke), the result will be the same. Having the rest slots evaluate lazily is interesting, though: our list generation now might survive with our original definition of inverse, if we're only forcing the first few cells:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { 1 / $x }
    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { $i >= -1 ? cons inverse($i), lazy{ ourlist($i-1) } : null }
    fperl> our $l = ourlist 3
    $VAR1 = improper_list('0.333333333333333', lazy { "DUMMY" });

    See how the first value is evaluated right away now; but we still don't get a division by zero error since not even the spine of the rest of the list is evaluated yet.

    Feel free to do your forcing of the above to see how it behaves.

    Another interesting observation we can make is that we don't really need the termination condition anymore now:

    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { cons inverse($i), lazy{ ourlist($i-1) } }
    fperl> our $l = ourlist 3
    $VAR1 = improper_list('0.333333333333333', lazy { "DUMMY" });

    Since we'll be bombing out at 1/0 anyway before reaching 1/-1, the end condition was pointless here anyway :).

    But we have "invented" a new data structure here: lazy linked lists, or functional streams as they are also called. The functional-perl project provides functions/methods to work with these, too:

    fperl> $l->drop(10)
    Exception: 'Illegal division by zero at (eval 136) line 1.

    Ok, to be able to skip over that, we'd have to go back to our second definition of inverse. But anyway, we could also start at a safer location:

    fperl> our $l = ourlist -1
    $VAR1 = improper_list('-1', lazy { "DUMMY" });
    fperl> $l->take(10)
    $VAR1 = list('-1', '-0.5', '-0.333333333333333', '-0.25', '-0.2', '-0.166666666666667', '-0.142857142857143', '-0.125', '-0.111111111111111', '-0.1');

    Note that take worked eagerly here. This is because the cell that it was invoked on was a non-lazy value, thus an implementation of take was selected that doesn't work lazily. Also, realize that our current definition of ourlist always returns an already-evaluated cell; only the cell's rest slot is lazy, the cell itself exists right away when returning from ourlist. In general, it's a better idea to make the first cell lazy as well, it's more consistent. It's easy enough, too: simply move the lazy keyword to enclose the whole cell generation instead only its rest slot (the rest slot will be lazy itself, too, since recursing into ourlist will again return a lazy term):

    fperl> sub ourlist ($i) { lazy { cons inverse($i), ourlist($i-1) } }
    Subroutine ourlist redefined at (eval 145) line 1.
    fperl> our $l = ourlist -1
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> $l->take(10)
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };

    Now the direct result of ourlist is lazy, too, and the take method returned a lazy term, as well. Let's force it:

    fperl> F $VAR1
    $VAR1 = list('-1', '-0.5', '-0.333333333333333', '-0.25', '-0.2', '-0.166666666666667', '-0.142857142857143', '-0.125', '-0.111111111111111', '-0.1');

    This is, incidentally, basically how Haskell's evaluation strategy works internally (putting aside compiler optimizations). You don't have to write lazy keywords in Haskell since it's lazy by default (but in fact you'd write eager keywords instead if you don't want a term to be evaluated lazily), but internally it will amount to the same evaluation (again, as long as the compiler doesn't change things); Haskell implementors prefer to call the promises "thunks". In some other languages like Ocaml or Scheme people work exactly like described above. In yet other languages, like Clojure or Perl 6, the lazy workings of sequences is more hidden, so you don't (usually) get to write code creating individual cells with lazy terms like this (the advantage is that different representations than lazily linked lists can be used at runtime like iterators, perhaps at the cost of becoming a leaky abstraction, like when re-forcing a stream from the beginning).

    8. More streams

    Streams can be used to represent file lines, directory items, socket messages etc., if one gives in to the somewhat unsafe notion of assuming that those files or directories are not modified while reading them (lazily!). If that assumption doesn't hold up, then you may end up being surprised that you're getting different values than you were expecting when first opening the directory or stream. Nonetheless, it's what people in Clojure and Perl 6 and surely other languages with streams are doing all the time. (Haskell ditched this approach a while ago for its unsafety, and instead now provides alternatives that can't break the guarantees that its type system gives.)


    fperl> system("echo 'Hello\nWorld.\n' > ourtestfile.txt")
    $VAR1 = 0;
    fperl> our $l = xfile_lines("ourtestfile.txt")
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> $l->first
    $VAR1 = 'Hello
    fperl> $l->rest
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };

    At this point it might still not have read the second line from the file; saying "might" since probably Perl buffers the input file in bigger blocks. But in any case, you could do something like the following without making the perl try to read infinitely much into process memory:

    fperl> our $l = fh_to_chunks xopen_read("/dev/zero"), 10
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> $l->first
    $VAR1 = '^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@';
    fperl> $l->drop(1000)->first
    $VAR1 = '^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@';

    (Or replace /dev/zero with /dev/urandom.)

    For more examples using lazy evaluation and streams, see FP::IOStream, FP::Text::CSV, FP::DBI, functional_XML and the example scripts.

    The nice thing of this is that you can stop writing for or while loops now, and you can build up a processing chain similar to how you can write pipelines in the shell. You can write a function that takes a stream and returns a processed stream, and pass that to another function that does some other processing, and group those two functions into one which you can then group together with other grouped-up ones. Just like you can write shell scripts that use a pipeline and then pipe up those scripts themselves as if they were "atoms".

    There's a catch, though, currently: unlike programming language implementations that have been written explicitely to deal with the functional programming style, the Perl implementation does not release variables and subroutine arguments as early as theoretically possible, which means that when calling subroutines that are consuming streams (like drop) the head of the stream would not be released while walking it, which would mean that the program could run out of memory. The functional-perl libraries go to some pains to work around the issue by weakening the subroutine argument slots (in @_). More concretely, this means that after calling drop in the example above, $l has been weakened, and if there's no other strong reference holding the head of the stream, then it becomes undef. This means when you try to run the same expression again, you get:

    fperl> $l->drop(1000)->first
    Exception: 'Can\'t call method "drop" on an undefined value at (eval 147) line 1.
    fperl 1> 

    You can prevent this manually by protecting $l using the Keep function:

    fperl> our $l = fh_to_chunks xopen_read("/dev/urandom"), 10
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> Keep($l)->drop(1000)->first
    $VAR1 = '<94> )&m^C<8C>ESC<AB>A';
    fperl> Keep($l)->drop(1000)->first
    $VAR1 = '<94> )&m^C<8C>ESC<AB>A';

    There is hope that we might find a better way to deal with this (implement variable life time analysis as a pragma/module), but no promises here!

    9. Fresh lexicals and closures

    Let's get a better understanding of functions, and first try the following:

    fperl> our ($f1,$f2) = do { our $a = 10; my $f1 = sub { $a }; $a = 11; my $f2 = sub { $a }; ($f1,$f2) }
    $VAR1 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    $VAR2 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> &$f1
    $VAR1 = 11;
    fperl> &$f2
    $VAR1 = 11;

    The two subroutines are both referring to the same instance of a variable, and setting that variable to a new value also changes what the first subroutine sees.

    In this case, the reference to the variable is implemented by perl by simply embedding the variable name in the code: the "our" variables are package globals which only exist once with the same (fully qualified) name in the whole program, hence it's enough to store that name in the program code itself (i.e. only once over the program lifetime).

    Let's try a lexical variable instead (my $a):

    fperl> our ($f1,$f2) = do { my $a = 10; my $f1 = sub { $a }; $a = 11; my $f2 = sub { $a }; ($f1,$f2) }
    $VAR1 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    $VAR2 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> &$f1
    $VAR1 = 11;

    Still the same result: the two subroutines are still referring to the same instance of a variable. Since $a only lives lexically in the do block though, the subroutines now need to store a pointer reference to it (the way this is implemented is by storing both a pointer to the compiled code, and a pointer to the variable together in the CODE ref data structure).

    Now let's use a fresh lexical variable for the second value (11) instead:

    fperl> our ($f1,$f2) = do { my $a = 10; my $f1 = sub { $a }; { my $a = 11; my $f2 = sub { $a }; ($f1,$f2) }}
    $VAR1 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    $VAR2 = sub { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> &$f1
    $VAR1 = 10;
    fperl> &$f2
    $VAR1 = 11;

    This way we didn't change what $f1, including its indirect references, refers to. Thus $f1 remained a pure function here: it follows the rule that pure functions only depend on the values they receive as their arguments, and don't do anything visibly to the rest of the program other than giving a result value. Just as with the lists above, this is a good property to have, as it makes a value (be it a function, or another value like a list) reliable. A pure function or purely functional value does not carry a risk of giving different behaviour at different times.

    So, in conclusion, the safe and purely functional way is to only ever use fresh variable instances, i.e. initialize them when introduced and never modifying them afterwards. You might find this odd, a variable is supposed to vary, no? But notice that each function call (even of the same function) opens a new scope, and the variables introduced in it are hence fresh instances every time it is called:

    fperl> sub f ($x) { fun ($y) { [$x,$y] }}
    fperl> our $f1 = f(12); our $f2 = f(14); &$f1("f1")
    $VAR1 = [12, 'f1'];
    fperl> &$f2("f2")
    $VAR1 = [14, 'f2'];

    You can see that a new instance of $x is introduced for every call to f.

    You may be thinking that there's no way around mutating variables: loops can't introduce new variable instances on every loop iteration: you'd have to put the variable declaration inside the loop and then it would lose its value across the loop iteration. Well--it's true that you can't do that with the loop syntax that Perl offers (for, while). But you are not forced to use those. Iteration just means to process work step by step, i.e. do a step of work, check whether the work is finished, and if it isn't, get the next piece of work and start over. You can easily formulate this with a function that takes the relevant pieces of information (remainder of the work, accumulated result), checks to see if the work is done and if it isn't, calls itself with the remainder and new result.

    fperl> sub build ($i,$l) { if ($i > 0) { build($i-1, cons fun () { $i }, $l) } else { $l }}
    fperl> build(3, null)
    $VAR1 = list(sub { "DUMMY" }, sub { "DUMMY" }, sub { "DUMMY" });

    This uses a new instance of $i in each iteration, as you can see from this:

    fperl> $VAR1->map(fun ($v) { &$v() })
    $VAR1 = list(1, 2, 3);

    There's one potential problem with this, though, which is that perl allocates a new frame on the call stack for every nested call to build, which means it needs memory proportional to the number of iterations. But perl also offers a solution for this:

    fperl> sub build ($i,$l) { if ($i > 0) { @_ = ($i-1, cons fun () { $i }, $l); goto &build } else { $l }}

    Sorry for the one-line formatting here, our examples are starting to get a bit long for the repl, here is the same with line breaks:

    sub build ($i,$l) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            @_ = ($i-1, cons fun () { $i }, $l);
            goto &build
        } else {

    That still looks pretty ugly, though. But there's also a solution for that: if you install Sub::Call::Tail (fperl automatically loads it on start), then you can instead simply prepend the tail keyword to the recursive function call to achieve the same:

    fperl> sub build ($i,$l) { if ($i > 0) { tail build($i-1, cons fun () { $i }, $l) } else { $l }}


    sub build ($i,$l) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            tail build($i-1, cons fun () { $i }, $l)
        } else {

    What tail (or the written-out goto variant above) means is "this function call is the last operation in the current program flow of this function (it is in tail position); don't allocate a new stack frame for it". (It might be useful to try to write a perl module that automatically does the tail call recognition in its scope.)

    10. The REPL revisited

    Our examples are starting to grow big enough that they don't fit in one line anymore. Let's start a file. Quit the repl, then:

    $ cp examples/{template,introexample}
    $ $EDITOR examples/introexample 

    You'll want to un-comment the use experimental "signatures"; line, and remove the commented "add your own code" part, and put the following there:

    sub hello ($n) {
        print "$n worlds\n";

    Now, when you run it:

    $ examples/introexample 

    you get to a repl prompt, this time showing "main" as the namespace. This comes from the "repl" call at the end of the script (that you left in if you followed the instructions above closely). You can now call the hello sub from there:

    main> hello 5
    main 1> 

    Now you're at the sub-repl, indicated by the level "1". This time it's not because of an exception but because you called the repl explicitely. Test this:

    main 1> hello 7
    main 2> 

    and you're at a sub-sub-repl now. Press ctl-d to exit that one, you get:

    7 worlds
    $VAR1 = 1;
    main 1> 

    and you are at the first sub-repl again. Remember, this is the one from the call to hello 5. The repl offers a few tools that can be useful here. To see a backtrace, enter :b (or ,b, comma and colon are equivalent):

    main 1> :b
    0        FP::Repl::Repl::run('FP::Repl::Repl=ARRAY(0x920b5f8)', undef) called at examples/introexample line 46
    1        main::hello('5') called at (eval 114) line 1

    The stack also holds frames from the internal processing by the repl, which is a tad ugly, but kinda unavoidable, stripped here ("..."). From the above you can see that hello 5 was called from eval (part of the processing by the original repl), then a sub-repl was called at line 46 of the example file.

    Another useful tool is to inspect the lexical environment at the current, or any other call frame. Enter :e, without a number it shows the environment at the location of the current call.

    main 1> :e
    $n = 5;

    Sure enough. Those lexicals are available from code you enter:

    main 1> $n+1
    $VAR1 = 6;

    You can also modify them. The change is reflected in the calling program, once you leave the repl to let it continue:

    main 1> $n = 42
    $VAR1 = 42;
    main 1> (ctl-d)
    42 worlds
    $VAR1 = 1;

    And we're back in the toplevel repl.

    11. Local functions and recursion

    While there's no strict need for it, it's often useful to define subroutines within another subroutine. The benefits are: keeping the definition closer to its use, and the ability to access lexicals local to the outer subroutine (without having to pass them as arguments). The fundamental disadvantage is that a local subroutine can't be reused from elsewhere (directly), and it can't be tested (directly). But there's also a catch with it in Perl that we'll see shortly.

    Let's adapt the example from "Writing a list-generating function":

    (.. existing imports...)
    use Chj::xperlfunc qw(xprintln);
    use FP::TransparentLazy;
    sub hello ($start, $end) {
        my $inverse = fun ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } };
        my $ourlist; $ourlist = fun ($i) {
            $i < $end ? null
              : cons &$inverse($i), &$ourlist($i-1)

    Note that this first declares $ourlist, then assigns it; this is so that the expression that generates the value to be held by the variable can see the variable, too (so that the function can call itself). As always, assignments to a variable after introducing it is dangerous: here it creates a cycle from the internal data structure representing the subroutine to itself, preventing perl from deallocating $ourlist after exiting the hello subroutine. One solution is to add

    use FP::Weak;

    to the imports and change the last line of hello into:


    Another solution, and the one preferred by the author of this text, is to use fix, the fixpoint combinator, which is a function that takes a function as its argument and returns a different function that when called calls the original function with itself as the first argument. That was a mouthful, let's see how it looks:

    use FP::fix;
    sub hello ($start, $end) {
        my $inverse = fun ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } };
        my $ourlist = fix fun ($self, $i) {
            $i < $end ? null
              : cons &$inverse($i), &$self($i-1)

    When $ourlist is called, it calls the nameless function that is the argument to fix, and passes it $ourlist (or an equivalent thereof) and $start; our function can then call "itself" through $self and still only needs to pass the "real" argument (the new value for $i). In real world use you would usually rename $self to $ourlist, too; they are given different names here just for illustration.

    Do you think that's hard to understand or use? I suggest you play with it a bit and see whether it grows on you. BTW, a nice property of fix is that the outer $ourlist variable can actually avoided in cases such as this one--the result from fix can be called immediately:

        fix (fun ($self, $i) {
            $i < $end ? null
              : cons &$inverse($i), &$self($i-1)

    Another idea for a syntactical improvement implemented via a module would be a recursive variant of my, i.e. one where the expression to the right sees the variable directly, and then applies the fix or weakening transparently, but, like the other ideas mentioned above, this will take some effort and may only be feasible if there is enough interest (and hence some form of at least moral support).

    12. More on functions

    Pure functions (and methods) are good blocks for modular programming, i.e. they are a good approach to make small reusable pieces that combine easily: their simple API makes them easily understandable. Their reliability (no side effects, hence no surprises) makes them easily reusable. It helps being aware of a few functional "patterns" for good reusability:

    12.1. Higher-order functions

    Those are functions that take other functions as an argument. Examples are many sequence processing functions (or methods), like some of those which we have already seen: map, fold, fold_right, filter. The function they take as an argument may be one that handles a single value, and they "augment" it to work on all values in a sequence. Or the function argument may change the way that the higher-order function works.

    In 'Writing a list-generating function' we have written a function ourlist that builds a list while calling inverse on every $i it goes through. Let's turn that into a reusable function by making it higher-order:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> sub ourlist ($f, $from, $to) { $from >= $to ? cons &$f($from), ourlist($f, $from - 1, $to) : null }
    fperl> F ourlist (\&inverse, 4, 1)
    $VAR1 = list('0.25', '0.333333333333333', '0.5', '1');

    It would now better be renamed, perhaps to something like downwards_iota_map. But we could also split up the function into downwards_iota and map parts if we're using lazy evaluation, then we could use those separately. In fact both are already available in functional-perl:

    fperl> F stream_step_range(-1, 4, 1)->map(\&inverse)
    $VAR1 = list('0.25', '0.333333333333333', '0.5', '1');

    (The naming of these more exotic functions like stream_step_range is still open to changes: hints about how other languages/libraries name those are very welcome.)

    A secial kind of higher-order functions is combinators.

    12.2. Combinators

    A combinator is a higher-order function that uses only function application and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its arguments. (Wikipedia)

    There are already a number of such functions defined in FP::Combinators. The two most commonly used ones are flip, which takes a function expecting 2 arguments and returns a function expecting them in reverse order, and compose, which takes two (or more) functions, and returns a function that nests them (i.e. calls each original function in turn (from the right to left) on the original arguments, or the result(s) from the previous call). See how flip behaves:

    fperl> *div = fun($x,$y) { $x / $y }; *rdiv = flip \&div
    Subroutine fperl::div redefined at (eval 136) line 1.
    $VAR1 = *fperl::rdiv;
    fperl> div 1,2
    $VAR1 = '0.5';
    fperl> rdiv 2,1
    $VAR1 = '0.5';

    The "subroutine redefined" warning above is because div was already defined (equivalently) in FP::Ops. This module provides subroutine wrappers around Perl operators, so that they can be easily passed as arguments to other functions like flip or the map methods.

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> *add_then_invert = compose \&inverse, \&add
    $VAR1 = *fperl::add_then_invert;
    fperl> add_then_invert 1,2
    $VAR1 = lazy { "DUMMY" };
    fperl> F $VAR1
    $VAR1 = '0.333333333333333';

    i.e. compose \&inverse, \&add is equivalent to:

    fun ($x,$y) { inverse (add $x, $y) }

    13. Testing

    One of the nice benefits of pure functions and methods, and the associated programming style that favours to write small functions (since they can be more easily reused) is that those are easily testable. This can of course be done using any testing module (like Test::More). The functional-perl project also provides a module, Chj::TEST, that obviates the need to put tests into separate files: the tests can be added right after a function declaration, which is a bit easier to write, and may help document the code (both can be read together). Unlike is from Test::More which in principle is symmetric in the treatment of the gotten and expected values, its TEST procedure expects a code block as its first argument, plus the expected result as the second (although you can also use GIVES and a block if computation of the result is expensive, see Chj::TEST docs). The code block is not evaluated when the TEST form is evaluated, but stored away and only run when Chj::TEST's run_tests procedure is run. Concerns about using up process memory to store tests that will usually not be run before the process exits seem largely unfounded (RAM usage grew by a few percents at most in the heaviest tested modules (todo: find tests again?)), but Chj::TEST can also be instructed to drop the tests at module load time by setting the TEST environment variable to 0 or ''.

    You can in principle use it without leaving the repl:

    fperl> sub inverse ($x) { lazy { 1 / $x } }
    fperl> TEST { F inverse 2 } 0.5;
    $VAR1 = 1;
    fperl> run_tests "fperl"
    === running tests in package 'fperl'
    running test 1..ok
    => 1 success(es), 0 failure(s)
    $VAR1 = bless(+{failures => 0, successes => 1}, 'Chj::TEST::Result');

    Although it will only ever accumulate test cases, never delete old ones; might add some way to improve that? But it's of course meant to be used in files.

    14. Objects

    Function versus method dispatch and functional purity are orthogonal concepts: purely functional programming does not preclude using object methods (i.e. dynamic dispatch); it only precludes those from doing observable side effects (including to the object itself).

    Perl does not offer pattern matching natively (but there is CPAN!), which is a popular way to do runtime dispatch in functional programming languages. Instead, it makes sense to continue using objects and method dispatch, but adapt the style to be purely functional as far as feasible.

    Like we can have a list data structure that allows modification by calculating a new list and leaving the old unharmed, we can do the same with objects. Since most classes have few fields, it seems to make most sense to continue using hashtables to store them, but make flat copies (clones) of the object before modifying them.

    The functional-perl project provides a class generator, FP::Struct, that creates object setters from the given field definitions which do this cloning approach underneath. This module is probably the most experimental and perhaps contentious part discussed so far. Why not extend Moose (or Moo?) to do the same? This author simply felt like experimenting with a new, rather simple approach would allow to try out things faster and might give new ideas. He also likes some of the advantages of the taken approach: passing field definitions as array allows to build up the array programmatically easily. And using optional predicate functions to check types looked like a simple and good match. That doesn't mean that adapting one of the other object systems to add what's missing isn't still the right way to go from now--remember, this is still alpha software and open for changes and feedback.

    Update the examples/introexample script with the following:

    package Shape {
        use FP::Struct [];
    package Point {
        # for illustration, we don't check types here
        use FP::Struct ["x","y"],
        _END_ # defines accessors that have not been defined explicitely
    package Rectangle {
        # Let's type-check here.
        # Subroutines imported here will be cleaned away by _END_
        use FP::Predicates qw(instance_of);
        use FP::Struct [[instance_of("Point"), "topleft"],
                            [instance_of("Point"), "bottomright"]],
        sub area ($self) {
            ($self->bottomright->x - $self->topleft->x)
            ($self->bottomright->y - $self->topleft->y)
    use FP::Ops ":all"; # imports `the_method`

    Then run it and try:

    main> our $s1 = Rectangle->new(Point->new(2,3), Point->new(5,4));
    $VAR1 = bless(+{topleft => bless(+{y => 3, x => 2}, 'Point'), bottomright => bless(+{y => 4, x => 5}, 'Point')}, 'Rectangle');
    main> our $s2 = $s1->bottomright_update(fun($p) { $p->y_set(10) })
    $VAR1 = bless(+{topleft => bless(+{y => 3, x => 2}, 'Point'), bottomright => bless(+{y => 10, x => 5}, 'Point')}, 'Rectangle');
    main> list($s1,$s2)->map(the_method "area")
    $VAR1 = list(3, 21);

    As you can see, we have created $s2 without mutating $s1.

    The ..update method passes the old value to the given function and replaces it with what the function returns. The ..set methods use the given value directly. Those methods are generated automatically by FP::Struct.

    The the_method function "turns" a method call into a function call: just like we would say \&area if it were an imported function, we say the_method "area" to indicate that this method name should be called on the value that is passed by map as the (first and only) argument.

    If you'd like to get nicer pretty-printing, simply add:

        sub FP_Show_show ($self, $show) {
            "Point(".&$show($self->x).", ".&$show($self->y).")"

    to the Point package and

        sub FP_Show_show ($self, $show) {
            "Rectangle(".&$show($self->topleft).", ".&$show($self->bottomright).")"

    to the Rectangle package, then:

    main> our $s1 = Rectangle->new(Point->new(2,3), Point->new(5,4));
    $VAR1 = Rectangle(Point(2, 3), Point(5, 4));
    main> our $s2 = $s1->bottomright_update(the_method "y_set", 10)
    $VAR1 = Rectangle(Point(2, 3), Point(5, 10));

    To get the constructor functions whose existence these implicate:

    main> import Point::constructors; import Rectangle::constructors; 
    $VAR1 = '';
    main> Rectangle(Point(2, 3), Point(5, 4))
    $VAR1 = Rectangle(Point(2, 3), Point(5, 4));

    Instead of adding the FP_Show_show methods, you could also have just added FP::Struct::Show as a base class:

    package Shape {
        use FP::Struct [], 'FP::Struct::Show';

    Sorry for telling you about this late. ;)